Getting it Write: How to use AI to Develop Writing Skills

with Megan Walker - EFL-Teacher Professional Development 2023-2024

Liceo Nolfi-Apolloni organises, in cooperation with Mediateca Montanari, the third series of Professional Development seminars for EFL-teachers (both of upper and lower secondary school), principals, CLIL teachers, subject teachers, freelance teachers and teachers of other subjects who are interested in the English language or in teaching using English.
The series of seminars “Think outside the Box” will include conferences with important Authors, Language, Literature and Teaching Experts, with the objective of providing valuable insights into different topics linked to EFL-teaching and giving teachers interesting hints for further reflection and thought.

In this talk, we will explore the benefits and pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence in developing learners’ writing skills. How can we take advantage of AI tools to support students’ learning? In the workshop, we will examine practical activities using AI tools and discuss how to implement them in our classrooms.

To register on-line:
Codice identificativo SOFIA 92145
For additional info: download the flyer with more details of the program or contact|Agenzia Cori & Camilletti: | tel. 338 3979115

Per chi viene da fuori provincia è possibile seguire il seminario sul canale YouTube del Sistema Bibliotecario del Comune di Fano:

La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita. Ai partecipanti in presenza verrà rilasciato l’attestato di partecipazione cartaceo.