Using mother tongue in the English classroom: harmful or helpful?

In this webinar, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of bringing students’ first language into the English classroom. Should we ban L1 (first language) or benefit from it? We will consider its usefulness for classroom management, teaching grammar and vocabulary, as well as motivating students to produce English. Practical ideas will be given for teachers to take away and use in their own classrooms.


Jonathan Hadley has worked in English Language Teaching for 28 years, working with both children and adults. With an MA in Applied Linguistics/TESOL, he specialises in educational reform programmes, working with teachers, educational institutions and Ministries of Education. Jonathan is a teacher trainer for NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education). He is an enthusiastic linguist having studied French and Spanish at school, Arabic at university and then picking up enough language for a conversation in every country he works in.