Microlearning in Lower Middle School

Microlearning is generally associated with training and development within companies and organisations. What if we equipped students with this skill starting from school?
In the session we will look at the concept of Microlearning and how it can be useful in lower middle school teaching.


Richard Twigg has over 25 years teaching experience and has been in EFL for the last 20 years. He is currently the director of Englishconsultancy.com and he works as a freelance teacher / teacher trainer in Turin, Italy. Previously Richard was the director of International House Milan, and he has taught in both the U.K. and Malta. While in Malta he was the Director of Studies of IH Malta, and he completed his DELTA in 2007. In addition, Richard set up an administered the first IDP IELTS test centre in Italy and the first CD IELTS test centre in Europe. Richard has presented at TESOL Italy and delivers teacher training seminars across Italy for both MacMillan Education and Eli National Geographic Learning.


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