HomeCatalogueCoursesSI', LO SO'

By Suzanne Branciforte, Pierangela Diadori, Francesco Lumaca, Francesca Molinari


Basic Italian course

Who it's for

Children 10 - 15 years old who have immigrated to Italy and have no or very little knowledge of the Italian language and need to be placed in school. The course, other than developing linguistic capacities, aims to offer the student also the social and cultural aspect necessary to help him adapt.


Each of the 14 units of the students' book is concentrated on a specific theme: studying, school, free time, friends, and the protagonists of these situations are both Italian and foreign students and school companions, who share some of their experiences of their contact with the world around them. The units are divided in immediately recognisable sections:

  • Parola per parola (Word for word): dedicated to he lexical development, connected to the theme of the unit
  • Facciamo due chiacchiere (Let's talk): a dialogue, first guided and then free, which becomes an opportunity for exchange between the students
  • Grammatica e Angolino grammaticale (Grammar and Grammar angle): the essential grammatical structures are presented
  • Visti da vicino (Look closely): composed of a series of activities, in which a great deal of authentic materials are used

The last three sections: Mondi a confronto (Comparing worlds), A proposito (By the way) and Chi l'ha visto (Who saw it) deepen above all the cultural and social aspects of the language in an intercultural way, with constant attention to the specific cultural origins of the students.

The answer keys are printed in the Teacher's Book.

The Authors

Suzanne Branciforte
Pierangela Diadori
Francesco Lumaca
Francesca Molinari

Purchase Options

Book pp. 256 - Euro 14,50 - 9788872499924
Guide pp. 144