Macmillan Education Teacher Training Days 2020 - LIVE with Josefina Ares

From Language Learners to Ethical Citizens

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L’attestato di partecipazione sarà disponibile su entro una settimana lavorativa dal termine dell’evento.
Per chi dovesse partecipare all’evento in differita, le iscrizioni per l’attestato rimarranno aperte sino alle ore 18:00 del giorno 27/3.


Has the cat got your tongue? - Stop! Can you please stop talking? Every teacher’s dream is to have to tell the students to stop talking in English because the students are so engaged in a speaking activity. This workshop will reflect on what we do in the classroom and try to deal with some of the problems that we encounter when we want to focus on speaking skills and their possible solutions. We’ll also look at how to set up activities in order to get the most out of our students, how to create communicative activities and the general principles behind this skill. Lastly, we will look at a series of speaking activities which you can put in your suitcase and try out on Monday morning. Our objective is to try and make our speaking lessons more dynamic – difficult but we’ll try!

Josefina Ares  has over 24 years’ experience teaching young learners adolescents and adults. She has worked for many different academies including The British Council and International House as well as in various schools around the world. For the last 19 years she has worked as a teacher trainer in Spain and Italy.

La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita. Mondadori Education è un ente formatore accreditato per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 –21/03/2016) e garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero del servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.