Macmillan Education Teacher Training Days 2020 - LIVE with David Spencer

From Language Learners to Ethical Citizens

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L’attestato di partecipazione sarà disponibile su entro una settimana lavorativa dal termine dell’evento.

Essential skills for teachers of teenagers – This talk will take a look at what I consider to be some of the truly important ingredients we need in order to be able to teach English to teenagers successfully, and enjoy the experience! I’ll be sharing some of my favourite, tried-and-tested activities (warmers, coolers and fillers to practise grammar, vocabulary and skills) as well as some other tips and strategies to keep classes positive and ‘with me’. I’ll also be suggesting a checklist of the essentials that all English Secondary teachers need to carry in their school bags.

David Spencer - After studying languages at Oxford University, David Spencer trained to be a Secondary School teacher. He then moved to Spain where he has been living and teaching ever since. He continues to teach teenage students every day in a school near Madrid. Apart from teaching and training teachers, Dave began writing Secondary courses for Macmillan in 1995. His latest series, ‘Gateway to Success’, has just been published by Mondadori Education.

La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita. Mondadori Education è un ente formatore accreditato per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 –21/03/2016) e garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero del servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.