Optimising Your Teaching Tools Workshops - Torino

Sessioni di aggiornamento didattico e formativo rivolte a tutti i docenti di lingua inglese.

Teaching and assessing writing at B1 and B2 levels - Richard Twigg
Writing in English is probably the weakest skill in Italy. With this in mind, the session will look at ways of teaching and assisting students with this “forgottten skill”. In order to be able to fully support your students, you also need to be familiar with the marking/grading criteria in the tests/exams that your students will be taking.

Invalsi: how to approach exam preparation in class and use other Language Qualifications to your advantage - Marco Colciago
The Invalsi test is a "standard" test, very similar to those that have been used for many years now in the anglo-saxon education system. How can we prepare students for it? What are the similarities with other Language Qualifications that students might have already obtained and how can we use them to our advantage?

Teaching students how to listen - Richard Twigg
Listening is often seen as a passive skill and hence some believe it is not possible to actively teach students how to listen. In this session we will look at how this can be done and why students sometimes have difficulty is hearing and hence understanding everything that they hear.

Richard Twigg, Academic Director at International house, Teacher and Teacher trainer.

Marco Colciago worked in England as a Head of Department for Grammar Schools in the North of England and in Kent for 15 years, teaching Languages to students aged 11 to 18 and preparing them for their GCSE and A-level examinations; he was also an examiner for AQA, the biggest exam provider of the UK, preparing and delivering State exams sat by students all over the country. He has been working for MacMillan since 2018.

A tutti i partecipanti verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell'esonero dal servizio.
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