Optimising Your Teaching Tools Workshops - Fano

Sessione di aggiornamento didattico e formativo rivolta a tutti i docenti di lingua inglese.

From Exam to Classroom: balancing language development with exam practice by Roderick Fraser
Exams play an increasingly important role in our future. They are not only seen as an important step by students, parents and teachers but also as a ‘must-have’ by both universities and employers. Thisplenary will explore how, as teachers, we can best prepare students for the exam while not losing sight ofthe overall objective of raising student’s communicative ability through real-life application. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on ‘best practice’ for exam preparation while looking at a number of practical activities that they can put into practice in the classroom to make the exam-task more authentic.

A tutti i partecipanti verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell'esonero dal servizio.

Clicca qui per scaricare la locandina del programma e iscriviti all'evento!