Optimising Your Teaching Tools Workshop - Padova

Sessioni di aggiornamento didattico e formativo a cura di Richard Twigg rivolte a tutti i docenti di lingua inglese.

Teaching and assessing writing at B1 and B2 levels
Writing in English is probably the weakest skill in Italy. With this in mind, the session will look at waysof teaching and assisting students with this “forgottten skill”. In order to be able to fully support yourstudents, you also need to be familiar with the marking/grading criteria in the tests/exams that yourstudents will be taking.

As teachers we are all looking for ways to engage students in our lessons. To get them speaking, To getthem to more confident as individuals and to have increased self-esteem. But how can we do that? Wellin this session we will look at how holding debates with your students can help to achieve all these goals.

Richard Twigg, Academic Director at International house, Teacher and Teacher trainer.

A tutti i partecipanti verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell'esonero dal servizio.
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