Lend Me Your Ears: Teaching Listening to Italian teens

How much do we know about Listening? How can “Pure Listening” be fostered?
In this webinar Josefina Ares will explore the concepts of “Pure” and “Active” Listening and will analyse practical ways to improve Listening Skills; the purpose is to guide students through a multicultural world from the very beginning by exposing them to several accents, speeds and types of Listening tasks. Also, Josefina will make use of the new series Switch to dig into the techniques needed in the Listening Part of the Invalsi Exam.

Josefina Ares has over 24 years’ experience teaching young learners adolescents and adults. She has worked for many different academies including and The British Council and International House in various schools around the world. She has also worked teaching English for academic purposes at universities in the UK. For the last 19 years she has worked as a teacher trainer at different teacher training centres around Spain, teaching both English language and methodology to primary and secondary school teachers. She is also a freelance speaker and has collaborated with Macmillan Publishers and other publishers on teacher’s days. Before coming to Rome she had an academy in Spain for 14 years where she would try out new ideas.